Monday, September 29, 2008

Staining is a family affair!! Sept. 28th

We all got in on the fun of staining our cabin
on Sunday afaternoon. It only took 2-3 hours
to do the north side. It looks incredible!! We
should be able to get 1 side a day stained, then on Saturday clearcoat the porch underside. Then, it will be time to start painting the interior!! That will be
the fun part!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept. 24- bleaching the cabin


Welcome to our Texas cabin!! Dan picked out our front door-- he did a great job I must say!! This has been a very busy week-- they got all the windows and doors in and will be done with the insulation and exterior log siding tomorrow. Today I sprayed 2 sides with bleach water, let it dry, then srayed it with baking soda water, then hosed it all of. Tomorrow I will do the other 2 sides, so we can begin the exterior staining on Saturday. Hopefully we can get it done in 2-3 days. The bleach just lightens the logs a little, since the sun darkened them. We also bought our pellet stove, picked out carpet and kitchen and bathroom flooring, and chose the kitchen cabinets (hickory). I will also pick out the rock for our fireplace tomorrow. Looks like we might be able to move in to the 2nd story and basement in about 3 weeks. As soon as we finish staing the exterior, I'll start picking paint colors for the bedrooms-- that will be the real fun part. Looks like it could be a very busy 3 weeks-- plus Autry has started playing football and has practice twice a week and games on Saturdays and Sundays. I am wondering why I decided to let him do that. Abbey just has ballet 1 day a week. Our adventure is almost over-- please keep hanging in there with us for another month-- then we'll invite you over for coffee, cards and conversation while watching the sun set in the big ol' Texas sky.

They are using the spray on isulation- its basically going to be a log sided igloo!!

They finished about 1/2 of it today, and will also spray under the house tomorrow. We really wont even need our pellet stove with all this insulation!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept. 23-- the staining begins!!

Tim the Toolman Taylor's version of dusting!!! We are getting ready to polyurithane the interior first floor, but first we have to get all of the dust and sawdust out.

We also had to sand any marks or dirt that was on the logs.

Then we taped all of the doors and windows.

The logs came alive with color as we applied 2 coats of polyurithane. It made all the difference!!

Now aren't those beautiful walls??

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, Sept. 20th

They are almost finished with the whole porch. Some of the windows have been put in too.

This is the south porch, just off of the dining room. I bet we'll be spending many evenings right here!!

All of the heating and air ducts have been installed, along with all electrical and plumbing. We are on the home stretch now. Every time we go out there, we are more amazed and just cant believe that it is ours!! God is good!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Deck and porch

The deck is done, now its time to start the rafters and beams for the covered porches!! We can't believe how much porch space we will have. Looks like we will need to get more rocking chairs (kind of like Cracker Barrel Restaraunt) to sit in while visiting with friends and watching sunsets!!

This is the south side of cabin with living room window and dining room door overlooking another porch. Our builder and his crew (2 guys) are doing a phenominal job and have been working sooo hard every day.

This is the underside of the porch, with tongue and groove boards.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept. 11-- Porches

  1. Despite the occasional rain, they continue to work on the front and side porches.

The back porch will be perfect for our picnic table and lots of evening meals!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Shown here is the basement, with Autry's toy closet under the stairs, and Abbey's closet on the other side in her room. They can't wait to decorate their rooms!!

Shower time!!

Autry enjoys the shower.

Abbey can't wait for a bath in her bathtub!!