Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jones Family Log Home

Welcome to our log cabin adventure!! We hope you will enjoy seeing our blog cabin as it is being built. It has definitely been an adventure so far, and we are just beginning!!

Here we are standing on our future front porch overlooking the front 7 1/2 acres. You ask why we like the Texas flat land? Look at the next picture and you'll know why.

Now this is a Texas sunset!!

This is our barn/ garage that is housing all of our belongings while we are waiting for the cabin to be built. We also moved out the red sheep barn from our old house. That was an adventure in itself!!

Step 1: the basement-- this is where Abbey and Autry's room will be. They poured concrete between 2 styrofoam walls. The concrete for the ceiling will also be poured on top of styrofoam with rebar. AMAZING!!

Log delivery day!! Of all days for it to rain!! We ended up having to unload the semi from the highway because our driveway was too muddy with the inch of rain that we got just hours before the truck showed up.

Ron and David spent the morning moving logs one skid at a time down the drive.

The world's strongest redneck!!

End of day 2- looking at the front of the house

Day 2: south side of cabin ( livingroom and dining room) that overlooks playa lake. You'd think that with all the rain we've had there would be some water in it!!


Fall Family said...


I'm glad you are doing this.....This will be a great way to keep in touch and view the log home as it is built!

troy said...

Troy writes- I love your blog site & the pictures you are posting. It is a great way for us to watch it being built without going to the ranch ever day. Hope we can blog the building of our new home one of these days. Love, Mom & Dad